So Amsterdam………..

It came and went but I didn’t.
No, when it came to it I couldn’t face a coach journey beginning at 1am – the dead of night in Wolverhampton - and arriving late afternoon three countries away from home.
Some things I decided I am just not up to – that and staying somewhere unknown and hostel like!
So I took the hit and reminded myself to find out more detail before committing myself next time.
I can be a bit impetuous like that – the child within rises to adventure and excitement - the adult me cautions that there is only so much stamina to go round.
The late change of mind was not without its anxieties so I headed for the local park in the cool light of the next morning and I sat in my car shedding a few tears of relief and regret. There was much to process and a soul soothe.

After a while the autumn glory of falling leaves caught my attention so I set about gathering a harvest of colour. One person thought I must be an expert so sent her young son to ask me where he could gather cones – I thought probably near a pine tree (thought I wasn’t sure and I am no expert!) and there were none around.
There was something in the human contact of a stranger on a misty autumn morning that was healing. My inner child and adult self made peace with each other, it was ok. There is something about a walk in creation that is healing isn’t there? I have often found that trees can provide a place of sanctuary where equilibrium and calm is restored.
And an idea emerged for my art project of ‘Tension and Collapse’ I would try to preserve the leaves and construct them into a 3D model – a spiral stirred up by the wind – like me. Beauty caught in a moment.

So now – how to preserve autumn leaves – thank goodness for Google.